July 2011

Mitch fortescue (Sciences)

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Capture d’écran 2011-07-30 à 13.18.54



Michael Fortescue (Sciences)


Research Centre for Linguistic Typology




Distinguished Fellow Profile
Michael Fortescue

Group Photo of 2001 Workshop Participants
From Left to Right:

Back Row:
Prof Randy LaPolla, Dr Tim Curnow, Connie Dickinson, Prof Ago Künnap, Dr Elena Maslova,
Prof. Lars Johanson,
Prof Michael Fortescue, Dr Willem J. De Reuse, Dr Vjacheslav Chirikba
Middle Row:
Pilar Valenzuela, Prof. Brian Joseph, Prof. Sally McLendon, Prof. Victor Friedman
Front Row:
Ms Abby Chin, Prof Sasha Aikhenvald, Prof Bob Dixon


The Department of General and Applied Linguistics
 University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.
Phone: +45 353 286 40, Fax: +45 353 286 35


IAAS -- Institut for Almen og Anvendt Sprogvidenskab -- IAAS

Michael Fortescue
Email: mf@cphling.dk
Office: 5.1.15
Direct Phone: (+45) 353 286 67
Department of Eskimology
University of Copenhagen
Strandgade 100H
1401 Copenhagen K

Present research: Preparation of the 2nd edition of the Comparative Eskimo Dictionary 
Since the appearance of the first edition of the Comparative Eskimo Dictionary (see 1994b above), much new lexical material has come to light that needs to be integrated into the projected second edition of this large dictionary (1st edition: 630pp.). This includes new data on 'Naukanski' Yupik from the Asian side of Bering Strait, gathered from informants and field workers by the co-editors at Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, which is currently being organized into an independent dictionary of that lexically poorly represented variety of 'Siberian' Eskimo.   
From Canada there is new data from Arctic Quebec (partly based on the native Inuktitut-Inuktitut dictionary of Taamusi Qumaq), and material for a comprehensive dictionary of the western Canadian dialects by Duncan Pryde. This was left in the hands of the Institute of Eskimology after the author's recent death specifically for the purpose of integrating the hitherto unpublished data there into the CED (there was only limited access to part of it for the first edition). It is in the form of several thousand library cards with hand-written - but reliable - entries for a wide range of Canadian Inuit dialects and sub-dialects. This is a particularly welcome addition, since the western Canadian dialects have been relatively under-documented until recently and since they are much more conservative than the easterly Inuit dialects they are important for the comparative endeavour: individual forms from Pryde's material have confirmed a number of suspected cognates and caused the reformulation of others. There is also new East Greenlandic data to be integrated. 
Besides filling the lacunae in the dictionary for these languages/dialects, there are numerous adjustments, additions and corrections to the dictionary that need to be made at this point (including the expansion of the indexes). In the process nearly two hundred new proto-Eskimo (or proto-Inuit or proto-Yupik) cognate sets have already been unearthed or separated out. The wide range of semantic change from Proto-Eskimo to the modern dialects is also intended as a resource for the general study of language change and is not only aimed at specialists. The format is devised to make reference easy also for 'ordinary' speakers of these languages interested in the historical sources of the words they use. In principle the dictionary can be used to check the etymology of - for example - any modern West Greenlandic word that is also found in the related languages of North America; with the new additions the coverage and detail will be significantly enhanced.

The AFU and Urban Legend Archive Language




eskimo words for snow derby

From: sderby@crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu (Stuart P. Derby) Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban Subject: Eskimo words for Snow Date: 2 Nov 1994 22:54:58 GMT
Does "Eskimo" REALLY have some megaboss number of words for snow? Well that depends on what "megaboss" means, of course. And it also depends on what language you decide is "Eskimo". The dialects spoken by coastal native peoples from the east of Siberia to Greenland are classed as Eskimo, but many scholars divide them into two languages, Yupik and Inuit, with some scholars further sub-dividing these dialects. Inuit (also called Inupik) is the best candidate from a folkloric point of view, being spoken most widely, from Greenland to northeastern Alaska, having been written earlier (1742), having about twice as many speakers, and having had longer and greater contact with "Western Civilization". (Greenlandic Inuit contains 4 words borrowed from medieval Norse.[1])
Another complication to the issue is simply the notion of "word". Languages vary quite drastically in how the base units of meaning (morphemes) are combined into words, if they're combined at all, and our common notion of "word" needs clarifying. For example, in English, are "book" and "books" two SEPARATE words? I would guess that most of us would think not. (What about "book", "handbook", "guidebook", "workbook"?) However, many languages are "isolating", wherein one word corresponds to one element of the situation, and would use two separate words to say "books". A speaker of such a language might well regard "book" and "books" as two separate words. The Eskimo languages are at the other extreme, and are the prototypical example of a polysynthetic language[2], wherein one word contains several elements of the situation. This allows very complex ideas to be expressed in one word, e.g. 'tikitqaarminaitnigaa' "he(1) said that he(2) would not be able to arrive first"[1].
Thus "my snow", "your snow", etc., would each be one word in Inuit, a stem form with a possessive affix. The Eskimo languages use derived words extensively, and there are fewer than 2,000 base stems in the West Greenlandic dialect[1] With all that said, I'll just present some word lists and let everyone come up with their own opinion...
10 words for ice and snow from Labradoran Inuit[3]
This word list is extracted from an Eskimo to English "dictionary" and is definitely not comprehensive. This was the worst such compilation I have ever worked with; among other problems, the compilers' attempts to alphabetize things, even short indices, failed miserably (e.g. "snow" before "seasons"). Consider also this from the preface:
Be it noticed beforehand that the Eskimo are not agreed in the use of their language with reference to many words -- not only that in the South here and there other expressions are used, and also that to many a word another meaning is given than in the North, but even in one and the same place not infrequently such differences are found. And frequently the female sex has again its peculiar expressions. With regard to the latter, not much notice has been taken in composing this dictionary, because the men often only laugh about them; ...

  1. 'ice' sikko
  2. 'bare ice' tingenek
  3. 'snow (in general)' aput
  4. 'snow (like salt)' pukak
  5. 'soft deep snow' mauja
  6. 'snowdrift' tipvigut
  7. 'soft snow' massak
  8. 'watery snow' mangokpok
  9. 'snow filled with water' massalerauvok
  10. 'soft snow' akkilokipok
49 words for snow and ice from West Greenlandic[4]
This word list is taken from a book on West Greenlandic grammar is almost certainly not comprehensive. I've entered the list as it appears in Fortescue's "West Greenlandic". Note that in Fortescue 'q' corresponds to 'k' in Peck.
  1. 'sea-ice' siku (in plural = drift ice)
  2. 'pack-ice/large expanses of ice in motion' sikursuit, pl. (compacted drift ice/ice field = sikut iqimaniri)
  3. 'new ice' sikuliaq/sikurlaaq (solid ice cover = nutaaq.)
  4. 'thin ice' sikuaq (in plural = thin ice floes)
  5. 'rotten (melting) ice floe' sikurluk
  6. 'iceberg' iluliaq (ilulisap itsirnga = part of iceberg below waterline)
  7. '(piece of) fresh-water ice' nilak
  8. 'lumps of ice stranded on the beach' issinnirit, pl.
  9. 'glacier' (also ice forming on objects) sirmiq (sirmirsuaq = Inland Ice)
  10. 'snow blown in (e.g. doorway)' sullarniq
  11. 'rime/hoar-frost' qaqurnak/kanirniq/kaniq
  12. 'frost (on inner surface of e.g. window)' iluq
  13. 'icy mist' pujurak/pujuq kanirnartuq
  14. 'hail' nataqqurnat
  15. 'snow (on ground)' aput (aput sisurtuq = avalanche)
  16. 'slush (on ground)' aput masannartuq
  17. 'snow in air/falling' qaniit (qanik = snowflake)
  18. 'air thick with snow' nittaalaq (nittaallat, pl. = snowflakes; nittaalaq nalliuttiqattaartuq = flurries)
  19. 'hard grains of snow' nittaalaaqqat, pl.
  20. 'feathery clumps of falling snow' qanipalaat
  21. 'new fallen snow' apirlaat
  22. 'snow crust' pukak
  23. 'snowy weather' qannirsuq/nittaatsuq
  24. 'snowstorm' pirsuq/pirsirsursuaq
  25. 'large ice floe' iluitsuq
  26. 'snowdrift' apusiniq
  27. 'ice floe' puttaaq
  28. 'hummocked ice/pressure ridges in pack ice' maniillat/ingunirit, pl.
  29. 'drifting lump of ice' kassuq (dirty lump of glacier-calved ice = anarluk)
  30. 'ice-foot (left adhering to shore)' qaannuq
  31. 'icicle' kusugaq
  32. 'opening in sea ice imarnirsaq/ammaniq (open water amidst ice = imaviaq)
  33. 'lead (navigable fissure) in sea ice' quppaq
  34. 'rotten snow/slush on sea' qinuq
  35. 'wet snow falling' imalik
  36. 'rotten ice with streams forming' aakkarniq
  37. 'snow patch (on mountain, etc.)' aputitaq
  38. 'wet snow on top of ice' putsinniq/puvvinniq
  39. 'smooth stretch of ice' manirak (stretch of snow-free ice = quasaliaq)
  40. 'lump of old ice frozen into new ice' tuaq
  41. 'new ice formed in crack in old ice' nutarniq
  42. 'bits of floating' naggutit, pl.
  43. 'hard snow' mangiggal/mangikaajaaq
  44. 'small ice floe (not large enough to stand on)' masaaraq
  45. 'ice swelling over partially frozen river, etc. from water seeping up to the surface' siirsinniq
  46. 'piled-up ice-floes frozen together' tiggunnirit
  47. 'mountain peak sticking up through inland ice' nunataq
  48. 'calved ice (from end of glacier)' uukkarnit
  49. 'edge of the (sea) ice' sinaaq
Does Eskimo have some megaboss number of words for snow? It depends on how you count, but they certainly have more than English.
Some miscellany.
While English "igloo" meaning 'snow house' comes from Inuit, "iglo" (or "illu") more generally means 'house' or home' in most dialects. Sometimes houses are constructed of peat[3,4]. English "kayak" comes from Intuit "qayaq" (means the same)[3,4]. The stereotypical Eskimo name Nanook corresponds to "nanuq" 'polar bear'[4].
Scholars sure do have understated ways of sniping at each other: "In fact Bourquin's tendency to describe the Labrador dialect by quoting at length from Kleinschmidt's description of Greenlandic is unavoidably a major methodological impediment for present-day researchers.[5]"
[1] Encyc. Britannica,15th Ed.,1984, ISBN 0-85229-413-1.
Macropaedia Vol. 6, p962-964, "Eskimo-Aleut Languages". [2] Historical Linguistics: An Introduction, 1973, Winfred P. Lehman,
ISBN 0-03-078370-4.p46-49
[3] Eskimo-English Dictionary: Compiled from Erdman's Eskimo-German
Edition of 1864, 1925, Rev. Edmund J. Peck, D.D. (C.M.S. Missionary, Apostle to the Eskimos). We don't need no stinkin' ISBN! [4] West Greenlandic,1984,
Michael Fortescue. ISBN 0-7099-1069-X [5] Eskimo Languages: Their Present Day Conditions, 1979,
Basse&Jensen, eds., p.94.
Stu "just the faqs, ma'am" Derby

Etudes Inuit Studies

Vol. 5 hors série / Special issue (1981)
The language of the Inuit: Historical, phonological and grammatical issues
FORTESCUE, Michael Endoactive-exoactive markers in Eskimo-Aleut, Tungus and Japanese: An investigation into common origins
DORAIS, Louis-Jacques
Some notes on the language of East Greenland
Greenlandic as a three vowel-language
KAPLAN, Lawrence
On Yupik-Inupiaq correspondences for ï: A case of Inupiaq innovation
Place of articulation assimilation and the Inuktitut dialect continuum
SMITH, Lawrence R.
Passive as a two-cycle process in Inuktitut
DENNY, Peter J.
The logical semantics of only, tuaq, innaq and tuinnaq


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Etudes Inuit Studies

Nyhedsbrev fra Det Grønlandske Hus i Århus Nr. 1 Januar 2001    3. årgangµ

Oqaasileriffeeraq ? sproghjørnet
Den forsvundne lampe og andre ord.
Det almindelige, grønlandske ord for en lampe er egentlig et sært ord. Qulleq betyder i dag en lampe, uanset om det er en elektrisk lampe, en petroleumslampe, eller en gammeldags tranlampe. Det sære ved ordet er, at det bogstavelig talt betyder "den øverste". Det er sammensat af stammen *qut- der betyder "oppe" (jf. qummut, opad, qutsinneq, den der er øverst, qulaa, ovenpå)  og tilhænget ?leq der betyder "den, der er mest i den retning". Jf. avalleq, den yderste, kujalleq, den sydligste, ilorleq, den inderste).
Der er en god og praktisk forklaring på, at en lampe på grønlandsk kaldes "den øverste". I de gamle sten- og tørvehuse i Grønland, og i de canadiske snehytter havde man et system med ikke mindre end tre slags lamper. En lampe nede på gulvet, tæt ved det hul, hvor man kravlede ind i huset fra husgangen. Denne lille lampe blev kaldt alleq, "den nederste". En stor lampe, der stod oppe på en forhøjning ved briksen, blev brugt til både at varme huset og koge mad over. Denne lampe kaldes qulleq, "den øverste", og det er dette ord, der er bevaret. Den tredje lampe blev kaldt kilulleq, "den inderste". Denne lille lampe stod i en niche i væggen ved fodenden af briksen (kilu), så kvinder, der sad på briksen og syede, også kunne få lys bagfra. 
Men det virker som om der mangler et ord for selve begrebet en lampe. Findes der et eskimoisk ord, der betyder lampe, uanset hvilken størrelse og hvor den er placeret i huset? Ja, vi skal som altid til Det Store Moderland Alaska for at få en forklaring. I bygderne på Seward Halvøen, og i landsbyerne langs Kotzebue Sound og op langs de mægtige floder Kobuk og Noatak hedder en lampe den dag i dag naneq. 
Da grønlændernes forfædre, Thulefolket, for ca. 800 år siden vandrede mod øst og bemægtigede sig hele den arktiske kyst fra Alaska over Canada til Grønland, havde de utvivlsomt ordet naneq med i deres sproglige bagage. Men af en eller anden grund forsvandt ordet naneq ud af sproget, og man brugte kun tilføjelsen qulleq, den øverste, alleq, den nederste, kilulleq, den inderste som betegnelse for de forskellige slags lamper. 
Men lampe-ordet naneq sneg sig alligevel med og eksisterer også i det moderne sprog. I østgrønlandsk hedder en lampepind naneriit. Det er den pind, man bruger til at passe vægen i en tranlampe med. Pinden blev også brugt som en lille prås, en fidibus, en lille fakkel til at tænde andre lamper med, eller til at tænde en pibe tobak. Derfor er det ikke så mærkeligt, at et stearinlys på vestgrønlandsk i dag hedder naneruut. Dette kan være det oprindelige ord for lampepind, som så er blevet brugt alene som betegnelse for et stearinlys. Mens lampepinden har fået nyt navn; taqqissuut.

* * *  Thulefolkene kogte ofte deres mad i en gryde af fedtsten, der blev hængt op over lampen med snore i hvert hjørne af gryden. En gryde kaldes i dag i Vestgrønland for iga. Men heller ikke her er dette det oprindelige ord. Den oprindelige betydning af iga er ikke en gryde, men det lille køkkenrum, man sommetider byggede i husgangen, så det kun var husmoderen, der skulle døje med røgen og osen fra kogelampe eller bål. I moderne vestgrønlandsk hedder et sådant lille køkkenrum igaleq. 

I Østgrønland hedder en gryde uutsit, og allerede i Canada møder vi ordet ukkusik for en gryde, og dette ord bruges i dag hele vejen vestover til Alaska, hvor udtalen er utkusik. Men ikke i Vestgrønland, hvor ukkusik jo er blevet erstattet med iga. 
Og alligevel kan vi finde gryde-ordet ukkusik som en blind passager i vestgrønlandsk, nemlig i ordet ukkusissaq, der betyder "fedtsten", men er sammensat af ukkusik+ssaq = materiale til en gryde. I Thule har de deres helt egen udtale af ukkusissaq, nemlig ukkuhikhaq, men det er det sædvanlige med folk i Thule, der siger -h-, hvor almindelige mennesker siger -s-.
Disse ord for lampe og gryde er typiske eksempler på, at Thulefolket ved udvandringen i Alaska omkring år 1200 startede med et fælles sprog, som vi i dag kalder inupik, i modsætning til de helt anderledes eskimoiske sprog yupik i det sydlige Alaska  og det østligste Sibirien, og aleutisk på de Aleutiske Øer. 
Canada til Grønland medførte ændringer i udtale, ordforråd og grammatik. Undervejs mødte Thulefolket så forskellige økosystemer, at både deres teknik og deres sociale kultur måtte tilpasses de nye forhold, og det kan ikke undgå at give sig til kende også i sproget. 
Nogle mennesker har søgt at forklare de nuværende forskelle mellem dialekterne i inupik-sproget ved at påstå, at andre sprog har blandet sig med inupik under vandringen mod øst. Fx at østgrønlandsk er så forskelligt fra vestgrønlandsk, fordi østgrønlandsk skulle indeholde elementer af de gamle Dorset-folks sprog. Det er en spændende tanke, men den holder ikke.
Som vi har set i ovenstående eksempler, og som masser af andre eksempler kan vise, er det de samme gamle ordstammer, der bruges overalt i inupik, men med små skift i betydning og anvendelse. Hvis der virkelig skulle være Dorset-sprog blandet ind i østgrønlandsk, så ville vi finde ordstammer i østgrønlandsk, der slet ikke kan genfindes i de andre dialekter, og det er ikke tilfældet.
SK Se selv efter: Frantz Boas: The Central Eskimo, 1888 (1964). Robert E. Spencer: The North Alaskan Eskimo, 1959. Donald H. Webster & Wilfred Zibell: Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary, 1970. Jonathan Petersen: OrdbogêraK, 1951. Erik Holtved: Polar Eskimo Etnography, 1967.  Michael Fortesque: Inuktun, en introduktion til Thulesproget, 1991. Grønlands Landsmuseum: Gustav Holm Samlingen, 1985. Chr. Berthelsen m.fl.: Oqaatsit, 1990.      ...

Vol. 12 nos 1-2 (1988)
L'oeuvre de Knud Rasmussen / The work of Knud Rasmussen

Thule and Back: A Critical Appraisal of Knud Rasmussen's Contribution to Eskimo Language Studies
Michael Fortescue
Résumé: Aller-retour de Thulé: un examen critique de la contribution de Knud Rasmussen aux études de langue inuit. Cet article examine la valeur linguistique des textes et des données lexicales publiés par Rasmussen. Bien que Rasmussen n'avait pas de formation en linguistique le matériel qu'il a recueilli chez les divers groupes qu'il a rencontrés constitue un ensemble de données de première importance pour les études linguistiques contemporaines. Pour plusieurs dialectes canadiens, les textes de Rasmussen forment le corpus le plus étendu de matériel écrit et sont remarquables tant par la quantité de détails phonétiques qu'ils révèlent que par leur valeur ethnographique. Ils apportent également des matériaux d'une grande richesse aux études comparatives de changement diachronique en ce qui concerne la phonologie, la syntaxe, le lexique ainsi qu'à l'étude des relations inter-dialectales.
Abstract: Thule and Back: A Critical Appraisal of Knud Rasmussen's Contribution to Eskimo Language Studies. This article addresses the question as to the linguistic value of the texts and lexical data published by Knud Rasmussen. Although Rasmussen lacked formal training in linguistics, the material brought back by him from the various groups he worked with represents a rich source of primary data for continuing linguistic research. For many Canadian dialects, the texts published by Rasmussen represent the most extensive written material available and the wealth of phonetic detail they contain as well as their ethnographic value are impressive. They also constitute valuable material for comparative studies of diachronic change - as regards phonology, syntax and lexicon - and dialectal interrelationships within the Eskimo language family.`


Vol. 19 no 2 (1995)
Histoire, sémantique / History, semantics

Michael Fortescue
Résumé: La source historique et la position typologique de l'ergativité dans les langues esquimaudes.
Cet article propose un scénario qui ne prend pas de parti théorique pour rendre compte de la forme ergative en groenlandais de l'Ouest et en d'autres langues esquimaudes. On analyse les couches successives de la morphologie transitive qui cachent la situation originelle. Il s'agit essentiellement de présenter, en termes diachroniques simples, le parallélisme entre les flexions verbales transitives et celles de la forme nominale possessive qui a suscité de nombreux débats théoriques dans le passé.
Abstract: The historical source and typological position of ergativity in Eskimo languages.
This article presents a theory-free scenario for the genesis of the ergative clause in West Green-landic and other Eskimo languages. The successive historical layers of tran-sitive verbal morphology that obscure the original situation are analysed. The aim is to account in simple diachronic terms for the paral-lelism between tran-sitive verbal inflection and possessed nominal inflections that has led to so much theoretical controversy in the past.

Vol. 8 no 2 (1984)
Organisation sociale et politique / Political and social organization

ROSTAING, Jean-Pierre
Native regional autonomy: the initial experience of the Kativik Regional Government
Une remarquable industrie dorsétienne de l'os de caribou dans le nord de Baffin
From polygyny to cousin marriage? Acculturation and marriage in 19th century Labrador Inuit Society
L'otite chez les enfants inuit: une question de mode alimentaire?
FORTESCUE, Michael The origin of the I-Dialect phenomenon in Greenland
DORAIS, Louis-Jacques
La recherche sur les Inuit du Nord québécois: bilan et perspectives
PAINE, Robert J. and R. GRAHAM
Non-hierarchical alternatives in northern resource management



Etudes Inuit Studies



Etudes Inuit Studies

The historical source and typological position of ergativity in Eskimo languages


Etudes Inuit Studies


Art, Music, Languages

(red): From the Writings of the Greenlanders



Michael Fortescue

245 pages. 178,00 Dkr.

Sat 03 Oct 1992
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 10:26:39 BSE-Mail Addresses
From: Mary Tait <
Subject: E-Mail Addresses

Does anyone know of an email address for
Michael Fortescue?

Does anyone know of an email, or a snail mail, address for Knut

Thanks, Mary Tait

Mon 14 Oct 1991
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 91 18:46:59 -0700
From: Michael Barlow <
Subject: Re: 2.645 Pronouns
Kelly Wahl asks for references on constructions of the
form "we with/and X" with the meaning 'X and I'. Linda
Schwartz has several papers on this construction, which
she calls Plural Pronoun Constructions (PPC). In Schwartz
(1988) she notes that some version of the PPC occurs in
Latvian, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Kp>elle, Mende,
Temne, Diola-Fogny, Ewe, Kirundi, Tera, Tagalog, Mokilese,
Yapese, Hawaiian, and Fijian.
Judith Aissen also has written about PPCs, but I don't
have a reference. I only have two references for Linda
Schwartz, but I think there are other papers.
I find interesting the cases where the plurality is expressed
as an agreement marker on the verb. (Schwartz and Aissen, among
others, have also looked at these examples.) My favourite examples
come from West Greenlandic where one of the conjuncts can be absent.
Hansi=lu aqagu aalla-ssa-agut
Hansi and tomorrow leave-FUT-1.PL.INDIC
'Hansi and I will leave tomorrow.' (
Fortescue 1984:128)
Michael Fortescue 1984. West Greenlandic. Croom Helm Descriptive Grammars.
Croom Helm
Linda Schwartz 1985 Plural pronouns, coordination, inclusion. Papers
from the Tenth Minnesota Regional Conference on Language and Linguistics.
Dept of Linguistics. University of Minnesota.
Linda Schwartz. 1988. Asymmetric feature distribution in pronominal
'coordination' In Barlow and Ferguson (eds) Agreement In Natural Language.
Stanford: CSLI.
Michael Barlow
Linguistics, CSU San Marcos

Sat Nov 14 1998
Michael Fortescue, Steven Jacobson, and Lawrence Kaplan, editors), JONATHAN DAVID BOBALJIK

Sat May 9 1998

Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 14:06:48 -0500 (CDT)
From: Hilary Adrienne Young <
Subject: Inuktitut Spatial Terms

I was hoping someone out there could help me with my research. I'm
beginning a project on Inuktitut spatial terms and am looking for any
resources that might be useful. In particular, I'll be exploring the
'in front of'/'behind' relation in a Cognitive Grammar framework.

I have Spalding's Inuktitut grammar,
Fortescue's West Greenlandic
grammar, Denny's article on spatial deixis, and I know of Cornillac's
'Systematiqye des contructions lexicales en inuktitut', Paillet's
'Deixis et representation de l'espace en Inuktitut' and Lowe's 'De
l'espace au temps en Inuktitut'.

If anyone knows of other resources on spatial terms in eastern arctic
languages (or related), I'd appreciate hearing from you.

Finally, if anyone knows
Michael Fortescue's e-mail address, could
they please pass it on to me.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Hilary Young
Rice University

Thu Oct 26 1995
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 16:22:25 Sum (2): Historical Data Sets
From: "Jack Wiedrick" <
Subject: Sum (2): Historical Data Sets I have had several comments, references, and appenda sent to me since I put out the last summary, so I thought I should put out one more to tie up all the loose ends. I appreciate everyone's help in finding the data sets.
Fortescue, Michael D. et al. 1994. _Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: with Aleut cognates_. Alaska Native Language Center, U of Alaska, Fairbanks. ISBN: 1555000517. LCCN: 94-024177. (I know nothing of the contents of this book, except that there are purported to be Eskimo cognate lists in dictionary format.)

Thu 26 Aug 1993
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 93 14:43:03 -0Summary: Coordination of null pronominal
From: Karen Wallace <
Subject: Summary: Coordination of null pronominal
Many thanks to everyone who responded to my question about references
and data on coordination of a null pronominal with a nonnull NP.
My interest is motivated by the presence of this phenomenon in Crow
(Siouan) and its apparent rarity elsewhere.

The following people offered judgments, data, and discussion: Henning
Andersen (Russian), Lars Borin (Finnish), Richard Cameron (Spanish),
Clancy Clements (Spanish), Alexis Dimitriadis (Greek), Picus Sizhi Ding
(Chinese), Kevin Donnelly (Scottish Gaelic), David Gil (Hebrew, Tagalog,
Russian), Jorge Hankamer (Turkish), Fran Karttunen (Finnish), Laila
Lalami (Classical and Moroccan Arabic),
(Japanese), Tang Sze Wing (Cantonese), and Larry Trask (Turkish).

It seems that in most of these languages, if there is NP coordination
distinct from comitative "with", it is impossible to coordinate the
null pronominal with an overt NP. The one exception to this was
Scottish Gaelic, in which the facts are similar to Irish; Cantonese
is another possible exception (more data is needed).

However, many people offered data and suggestions regarding a similar
construction involving comitative "with". In many null pro languages,
it is possible to say something like "with Terry left[1pl]", meaning
either "Terry and I left" or "Terry and we left". (In this regard,
note that NP coordination in Crow is quite distinct syntactically from
the construction which translates comitative "with").

The following references were suggested (from Michael Barlow, Jim
McCloskey, Louise McNally,
siegel@lili3.uni-bielefeld.de, and Thomas

- on West Greenlandic:
Fortescue 1984:128 in "West Greenlandic".
- several papers by Schwartz, for example "Asymmetric Feature
Distribution in Pronominal Coordination, in Barlow and Ferguson
(eds. 1988) Agreement in Natural Language, CSLI.
- Aissen 1989 (Language 65.3) for references and discussion of this
phenomenon in Tzotzil.
- Jaklin Kornfilt ... had a ms. from around 1990 or 1991 ... she
(unlike Aissen) analyzes the Turkish counterpart of this construction
as a symmetric coordination ... Aissen argues instead that the "pro"
is plural rather than singular.
- McCloskey reanalyzed some of his data in light of Aissen and
Schwartz's work in an unpublished ms. which is also cited in the
Aissen paper.
- Schwartz, Linda 1988, "Conditions for verb-coded coordinations".
Michael Hammond et al. (eds.),
Amsterdam: Benjamins (TSL, 17); pp. 53-73.
- Kameyama (1985): "Zero Anaphora: The Case of Japanese".
- McCloskey: a subsequent paper about Old Irish in the Festschrift
for Bill Shipley edited by Sandy Chung and Jorge Hankamer.
- the recent work by Josef Aoun, Dominique Sportiche and
Elias Benmamoun on (some varieties of) Arabic.

Anyone who would like to see a longer summary of the responses
can get one by sending me a request. I'd also be happy to discuss
the construction further with anyone who is interested.

Karen Wallace

Thu 09 Dec 1993
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 93 15:20:20 ESTAcquisition of native lgs.
From: Ron Smyth <
Subject: Acquisition of native lgs.
Recently I asked subscribers for references on the acquisition of native
languages of Canada. Thanks to Shanley Allen, Victor Golla, Lynne
Hewitt, Kumiko Murasugi, David Parkinson, and Dean Mellow (I hope I've
mentioned all of the respondents) for the following:
Fortescue , Michael . Learning to speak Greenlandic: a case study of a two-year-old's morlogy in a polysynthetic language", in First Language 5, 101-114.


Functional Grammar and the demise of the representation

Michael Fortescue
Department of Eskimology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Persistent signals from contiguous cognitive disciplines suggest that static representations of 'meaning' may be devoid of any psychological reality, but linguists engaged with their models and modules continue blithely about their business as before. Does it really matter how such things are actually instantiated in the mind/brain? I believe it does matter, at least for linguistic models such as FG which take psychological adequacy seriously. Just as the 'emics' of our grammatical models should mesh with the 'etics' of the pragmatic deployment of language, so they should be capable of meshing with the results coming in from neurolinguistics and cognitive psychology.
The news seems to be that linguistic behaviour does not, as linguists have long assumed, start with some fully determinate representation of a chunk of reality tagged for a discrete intentional illocution (or result in such a structure during comprehension). Neither 'chunks of reality' nor 'intentions' are fully determinate and thus available for deterministic representation. Although linguistic models can only have an indirect, metalinguistic relationship to the dynamic reality of brain/mind activity, some approaches will be better able to adjust to new Chaos-infused views of cognition than will others. Now might be the time to reconsider the direction one's particular bandwagon is creaking along in.
In order to spell out some of the consequences for Functional Grammar in particular, I shall examine a standard FG representation of a single contextualized utterance. It seems a priori doubtful that the formal structures of FG could tell us anything much about how an utterance might, for instance, be stored in individual memory. Nevertheless, it can be argued that its layered predicational structure, understood in a certain way, is a pretty accurate indication of what kind of information needs to be integrated into pre-existing memory schemata on receipt of an utterance. The last stage on the FG 'conveyor belt' (in the comprehension mode) can be envisaged not as a full semantic representation but as a continuation beyond the end of the belt where all the disassembled nuts and bolts of the grammatical scaffolding fall away to leave just a handful of 'bracketed' and unlabelled content words (or gestures towards their phonological realization). Such a contextually interpretable congeries of instructional information could be stored as such, converted to other (sensory) modalities, or subjected to inferencing  M

This prose sampler from West Greenland reveals a century-old independent literary tradition, the rich written expression of an ancient and succesful culture. Linguist Michael Fortescue compiled these excerpts to demonstrate the range of Greenlandic writing and make works in this flourishing language more accessible to English speaking readers.
In English and Greenlandic language.



LINGUIST List 3.743


Message 2: E-Mail Addresses


LINGUIST List 2.648


Message 3: Re: 2.645 Pronouns


LINGUIST List 9.1600


Comparative Eskimo Dictionary with Aleut Cognates (


LINGUIST List 9.677


Message 4: Inuktitut Spatial Terms 


LINGUIST List 6.1506


Message 1: Sum (2): Historical Data Sets
New References:


LINGUIST List 4.636


Message 1: Summary: Coordination of null pronominal


LINGUIST List 4.1041


Message 1: Acquisition of native languages of Canada.
8. Fortescue, Michael & Lise Lennert Olsen. 1992. The acquisition of West Greenlandic. In: D. I. Slobin (ed.), The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition. Volume 3. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp.111-219.



Martin Fortescue (Sciences)

Dr Martin Fortescue

B.App.Sc. M.App.Sc. PhD [UC]

Current Position: Operations Manager, Booderee National Park.
Thesis Topic: Oceanographic change and breeding success of the Little Penguin on Bowen Island, Jervis Bay.
Research Interests: Endangered species (small mammals), rehabilitation of debilitated aeas, weed management and control.
Contact: Tel: 044 421034 [International: +61 6 044 421034] Fax: 044 421063 [International: +61 6 044 421063] Email: fortescue@aerg.canberra.edu.au www: http://aerg.canberra.edu.au/pub/aerg/staff/stuforte.htm
Postal Address: Booderee National Park, Village Road, Jervis Bay, NSW 2540, Australia

Applied Ecology Research Group


Research Interest
Endangered species (small mammals), rehabilitation of debilitated aeas, weed management and control.
 Thesis Topic
The Effect of Oceanographic Change on the Breeding Success of the Little Penguin on Bowen Island, Jervis Bay.
M.App.Sc. (1991) Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra
Current Positions
PhD Candidate, Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra
Jervis Bay National Park Australian Nature Conservation Agency Village Road JERVIS BAY NSW 2540
Phone National: 044 421034; International: +61 6 044 421034
Fax National: 044 421063; International: +61 6 044 421063

Conservation Biology & Native Species Research
Applied Ecology Research Group
Conservation Biology & Native Species Research

Interest in protecting native plant and animal species has intensified in the last few decades. Both scientists and the general public have realized that the threats to wildlife have increased, with many species facing the possibility of extinction. Conservation biology, which was developed to deal with these issues, requires an interdisciplinary approach. We need to study ecology, to know how the species interacts with its environment so that key elements of its environment can be protected or manipulated to ensure the species survival. We need to know something of the demographic processes leading to extinction, so that those processes and the factors influencing them can be manipulated to stem or reverse a species' decline. If species are to be conserved in the context in which they evolved, so that they have the potential to persist in the long term and to continue to evolve and speciate, then we need to learn something of their population genetics.
Relevant information must be presented in a useful form to those in a position to decide policy and direct resources. Managers seeking to achieve conservation objectives must weigh the advantages of conserving a species against the competing interests seeking to exploit the species or its habitat. Research undertaken by the Applied Ecology Research Centre is designed to provide increased understanding of species biology, especially where this is relevant to conservation, and to provide this information in a form readily usable by agencies with a responsibility for species conservation.
Of a lower priority, but perhaps equally important in the longer term, is research directed at fundamental understanding of the biology of the Australian biota, whether or not they are in decline. As an island continent, Australia has a flora and fauna characterised by a high level of endemism. The fourteen families of marsupials are found in Australia and New Guinea, but nowhere else. We have the platypus and echidnas, the lyrebirds and scrub-birds, a spectacular radiation among the kingfishers, the pygopodid lizards, a snake fauna dominated by the elapidae, the pig-nosed turtle, two major radiations of frogs and a high level of endemicity among our freshwater fishes. Similar and equally striking examples could be provided from the flora.
The Gondwanal origins of the Australian continent also have had a profound influence on the composition of the flora and fauna. From a northern hemisphere perspective, the Australian biota is unusual indeed.
Long-standing isolation, Gondwanal origins and a dry and highly variable climate pervading much of the continent, provide many opportunities for studying evolution and ecology, opportunities that are unavailable to biologists on other continents.
The major thrust of many of the projects in this programme is to conduct research on the ecology, evolution and systematics of native species and so contribute to fundamental knowledge of the Australian fauna and flora and to theoretical frameworks which underpin our understanding of animal and plant biology.
Many projects conducted by staff and postgraduates of the Applied Ecology Research Group are centred on species or issues of conservation priority or management relevance. They include studies of recently established populations of the small macropod Bettongia pennicillata, conservation biology of the endangered pink-tailed legless lizard Aprasia parapulchella, population genetics of insular lizards following recent and not so recent habitat fragmentation, ecology and management of penguins at Jervis Bay, distribution and ecology of the rare pig-nosed turtle, ecology and management of Australian birds of prey, and the conservation of declining amphibian populations in the Australian Alps.
Projects of less immediate relevance to conservation but important nevertheless because of their contribution to fundamental understanding of the biology of the Australian biota include studies of the effect of Aboriginal harvests on reproductive parameters of magpie geese, ecology of Australian birds of prey, comparative diets of tree-rats in the Kimberlies, patterns and processes of regeneration in butterbush, biochemical systematics and evolution of Australian turtles, identification of cryptic species of frogs of the Alps and reptiles, ant-lizard relationships, and temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles.
The research progam has a national profile through its links to priority areas identified by the Commonwealth and State governments and funded through their agencies. For example, research is or has been funded through the
Endangered Species Progam of the Australian Nature Conservation Agency;
parks and conservation agencies of the ACT, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Victoria and Queensland;
Australian Alps National Parks Liaison Committee;
ACT Planning Authority;
ACT Electricity and Water.
Through this research, the Group has built up a national reputation for conducting targeted conservation-related research in its particular areas of expertise, and is now regularly approached directly by agencies to take a leading role in such research.
Progam Leader
Dr Will Osborne, [Reptiles and Amphibians]
Other Research Staff
Dr Arthur Georges, [Wildlife Biology]
Dr David Williams, [Vegetation Ecology]
Mr Gerry Olsen, [Raptor Biology]
Dr Anne Kerle (Alice Springs), [Small Mammals]
Dr Ken Green (Kosciusko), [Small Mammals]
Dr John Harris, [Environmental Education]
Dr John Dearn, [Population Genetics]
Dr Jim Hone, [Wildlife Management]
Visiting Research Fellows
Prof. Terry Graham, (1994,96) [Turtle Biologist]
Prof. Brad Shaffer, (1995,96) [Molecular Biologist and Herpetologist]
Dr Rod Kennett, (1996) [Wildlife Biologist]
Current Postgraduate Students
Kerry Beggs, [Honours, TSD in field nests of Carettochelys]
Sean Doody, [PhD, TSD in field nests of Carettochelys]
Virginia Ebsworth, [Honours, penguin ecology]
Lisa Evans, [PhD, riparian vegetation dynamics]
Martin Fortescue, [PhD, penguin ecology]
Jeff Foulkes, [PhD, brushtail possums]
Enzo Guarino, [Honours, water dragons]
David Hunter, [Masters, corroboree frogs]
Sandra ones, [PhD, legless lizards]
David Judge, [Masters, the Sydney tortoise]
Michael Smith, [Honours, ###]
Scott Thomson, [Masters, chelid morphology and systematics]
Paul Wallace, [Masters, ###]
Former Postgraduate Students
Sarah Broomhall, [Honours, frog declines]
Simon Holloway, [Masters, Gippsland Frogs]
Robert Jansens, [Honours, earless dragons]
Mutjindi Katjiua, [Masters, trees and native pasture]
Art Langston, [Honours, earless dragons]
Neil McElhinney, [Masters, Green and Gold Bellfrogs]
Tony Richards, [Honours, Phragmites ecology]
Wayne Robinson, [Masters, ant-lizard relationships]
Michelle Walters, [Honours, pigmy possum]
Donna Nunan,[Honours, legless lizards]
Sharon Kilgour [Honours, terrestrial migration in freshwater turtles]
Suzanna Podrika [Honours, environmental contaminants and sex determination in reptiles]
Soma Trenggana, [Masters, Indonesian rhino] Fiona Beynon [Honours, oxygen consumption in turtle eggs]
Michaela Sraml [Masters, waterfowl systematics]
Sandra Jones, [Honours, legless lizards]
Nick Dexter [Masters, Aboriginal harvests of Magpie Geese]
Martin Fortescue [Masters, Penguin breeding biology]
Civa Morton [Honours, diet of tree rats]
Flywell Munyenyembe [Masters, urban bird distribution]
Wayne Murray, [Masters, koalas]
Lyn Nelson, [Masters, woylies]
Stephen Sarre, [Masters, insular lizards]
Doug Wahl, [Masters, flying foxes]
Selected Publications
DEXTER, N. and BAYLISS, P. (1991). The effect of experimental clutch harvest on numbers of magpie goose nests and juvenile recruitment. Wildlife Research 18:533-538.
GEORGES, A. (1989). Female turtles from hot nests: Is it amount of development or duration of incubation at high temperatures that matters? Oecologia, Berlin 81:323-329.
GEORGES, A. and ADAMS, M. (1992). A phylogeny for the Australian chelid turtles based on allozyme electrophoresis. Australian Journal of Zoology 40:453-476.
GEORGES, A. (1994). Setting conservation priorities for Australian freshwater turtles. Pp: 49-58 in Lunney, D. and Ayers, D. (eds). Herpetology in Australia -- A Diverse Discipline. Trans. Roy. Soc. NSW Surrey Beatty ad Sons, Chipping North.
GEORGES, A., STOUTJESDIJK, R. and LIMPUS, C.J. (1994). Hatchling sex in the marine turtle Caretta caretta is determined by proportion of development at a temperature not daily duration of exposure. Journal of Experimental Zoology 270:432-444.
KENNETT, R., GEORGES, A. and PALMER-ALLEN, M. (1993). Early developmental arrest during immersion of eggs of a tropical freshwater turtle, Chelodina rugosa (Testudinata: Chelidae), from northern Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 41:37-45.
GEORGES, A. and ADAMS, M. (1996). Electrophoretic delineation of species boundaries for the short-necked chelid turtles of Australia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, London. In press.
MUNYENYEMBE, F.E., HARRIS, J.A., NIX, H. and HONE, J. (1989). Determinants of bird distribution and abundance in suburban Canberra, Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 14:549-557.
OSBORNE, W.S. (1989). Distribution, relative abundance and conservation status of the corroboree frog Pseudophryne corroboree Moore (Anura: Myobatrachidae). Australian Wildlife Research 16:537-547.
OSBORNE, W.S. and NORMAN, J.H. (1991). Conservation genetics of corroboree frogs, Pseudophryne corroboree Moore (Anura: Myobatrachidae): population subdivision and divergence. Australian Journal of Zoology 39:285-297.
SARRE, S. and DEARN, J.M. (1991). Morphological variation and fluctuating asymmetry among insular populations of the sleepy lizard Trachydosaurus rugosus (Squamata: Scincidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 39:91-104.
SARRE, S., DEARN, J.M. and GEORGES, A. (1994). The application of fluctuating asymmetry in the monitoring of wildlife populations. Pacific Conservation Biology 1:118-122.


Applied Ecology Research Group
Unrefereed Journal Articles

DEARN, J.M. (1992). Maintaining the quality of first year science teaching. Research and Development in Higher Education 15:367-374.
FORTESCUE, M.E. (1992). Little Penguins and seagrass meadows. Australian Ranger Bulletin, Autumn 1992.
GEORGES, A., CHOQUENOT, D., COVENTRY, A.J. and WELLINGS, P. (1989) A note on Carettochelys insculpta (Testudinata: Carettochelydidae) from northern Australia. Northern Territory Naturalist 11:8-11.
GILLESPIE, G.R. and OSBORNE, W.S. (1994). Update on the status of the spotted tree frog (Litoria spenceri) in the Australian Capital Territory. The Victorian Naturalist 111:182-183.
HARRIS, J.A.and DEARN, J.M. (1990). The challenge of teaching ecology. New Education 12:97-107.
HONE, J. and STONE, C. (1989). A comparison and evaluation of feral pig management in two national parks. Wildlife Society Bulletin17:419-425.
JONES, S.R. (1993). Pink-tailed legless lizards: One of Canberra's own. Bogong 14(3):9.
KENNETT, R. and GEORGES, A. (1989). Turtles of the Top End. Northern Territory Naturalist 11:31.
KRISTO, F. and
FORTESCUE, M.E. (1991). At home with penguins. Birds International 2(1):50-58.
OLSEN, J. (1990). Further thoughts on risk of accident and reversed sexual dimorphism in raptors. Australasian Raptor Association News 11:30-31.
OLSEN, P. and OLSEN, J. (1990). Australian raptors. Eyas 13:22-24.
OLSEN, P., MALLINSON, D. and OLSEN, J. (1990). The bird community of Mg Mugga, ACT: June 1982 to January 1986. Australian Bird Watcher 14:13-23.
OLSEN, P.D. and OLSEN, J. (1989). Australia's Brown Falcon. Birds International 11(2):68-72.
OSBORNE, W.S. (1990). Declining frog populations and extinctions in the Canberra region. Bogong 11:4-7.
OSBORNE, W.S. (1992). Rare and endangered: The corroboree frog. Australian Natural History 1992:16-17.
OSBORNE, W.S., KUKOLIC, K., DAVIS, M.S. and BLACKBURN, R. (1993). Recent records of the earless dragon Typanocryptis lineata pinguicolla in the Canberra region and a description of its habitat. Herpetofauna 23:16-25.
OSBORNE, W.S., GILLESPIE, G.R. and KUKOLIC, K. (1994). The spotted tree frog Litoria spenceri: an addition to the amphibian fauna of the Australian Capital Territory. Victorian Naturalist 111:60-64.
ROSS, T., OLSEN, P., OLSEN, J. and METCALFE, R. (1989). Incubation period of the collared sparrowhawk. Australian Bird Watcher 13:59-61.


Fortescue Mann Publisher (Sciences)

SV by Fortescue Mann Publisher Advertising on back



Real photo stereoview card. Text on front sides reads: "Forteskue Mann Publisher of Stereoscopic Slides, 48 & 50 Elgin Avenue, London, W.

Popular Series.
Advertising is printed on back side.

Stereoview is a bit faded.
Good condition with a few spots.
See scanned front & back.


Fortescue Magnetite (Sciences)


Fortescue magnetite deposits




Fortescue (Cape Preston) - Integrated Steel Plant
The main focus of development of the
Fortescue magnetite deposits is through the Austeel consortium, which is promoting an integrated 4Mt/a EAF steelmaking project utilising magnetic concentration, pelletising and DRI processes. The Austeel plan is to produce slab, hot-rolled and cold-rolled coil and galvanised steel. Development involves processing plants to be located near the minesite and linked to port facilities at Cape Preston. Detailed evaluation and environmental assessment commenced in late 1999/early 2000. Other projects based on the Fortescue deposits (being promoted by parent company Mineralogy) involve an export DRI/slab project and an export pellet project.
Expenditure: $5b. Employment: Construction: 6000; Operation: 1650



Iron Ore Processing


Moulinet (Curiosité)

des années 30/40


This auction is for a Fortescue free spool casting reel.

It came from an estate sale, I think it is quite old. It is marked “

It appears to be in good working order but does need to be cleaned, being sold as found. The wood knob on the crank handle has white paint spilled on it. It is marked 250 on the base plate. On the side opposite the crank there are the remnants of a label that has numbers and colors; there also is the remnant of some other material, not sure if it is original or something that was added.




Medal (Curiosité)

Masonic Medal Fortescue Lodge No 9


(Ebay Dec 2004)


Mike Fortesque



Muriel Fortescue (Mabel Normand)


Mabel Normand: The Beautiful Knockabout A Silents Majority Featured Star
Born November 9, 1892, on Staten Island, NY Died February 23, 1930, in Monrovia, CA

Mabel Normand was a contemporary of Mary Pickford, the Gish sisters (Lillian and Dorothy), Blanche Sweet, Florence Lawrence and the Talmadge sisters (Norma and Constance). She made her film debut in either The Indiscretions of Betty (Vitagraph, 1910) or Over the Garden Wall (Vitagraph, 1910) as a serious, dramatic actress (it is unclear which film was first). Before that, Mabel was already popular as a model for fashions and illustrations. Throughout parts of 1910 and 1911, Mabel worked for the Vitagraph studio. By the end of 1911, she had moved on to American Biograph under the direction of D.W. Griffith. She worked very hard to hone her craft by cranking out a number of melodramas, one of which, The Mender of Nets (1912), starred Mary Pickford. Fortunately, Mabel was proud of the Normand name and was determined to keep it. If she hadn't been, she may have become known to her fans as "Muriel Fortesque," the generic marquee name assigned to her to enforce the anonymity that was required of early screen performers. Mabel Normand never could and never would remain anonymous.
Mabel was strikingly beautiful, but that wasn't unusual for actresses. During this early period in their careers, Mary, Lillian, Dorothy and the rest were considered heartbreakingly beautiful. What made Mabel different is that, when she fell down, she was as funny as she was fetching. It didn't take long for Griffith to realize that Mabel had great comic talent, and he started assigning her to comical plots. Griffith, a drama director, employed a young actor-turned-director named Mack Sennett to guide Mabel's comic hijinks. [Sennett's movie-making career, like those of many of the Greats, began with Griffith. His intense desire to learn at the feet of the master and fully realize his ambitions, catapulted him up the ladder to the director's chair at Biograph.]
Mabel took her first shot at comedy in The Diving Girl (Biograph, 1911), in a charming and memorable role as a funny (and not a little sexy) bathing beauty. As men remember the first time they saw Marilyn Monroe in a bathing suit, the men and boys of the early 1910s never forget the first time the adorable Mabel donned a bathing costume. So, historically, the first Sennett bathing beauty was our Beautiful Knockabout, Mabel. (Master director King Vidor saw Mabel in that clinging suit when he was a young pup in Galveston, Texas - and claims that her image stayed with him and initially spurred his dream to make movies.)
What? A beautiful slapstick comedienne? Audiences were used to seeing screen comediennes who looked as funny as their antics. These included such funny girls as Flora Finch, who was built like a bean pole; Louise Fazenda, a kooky clown with the fashion sense of a country bumpkin; Polly Moran, a wild-haired, man-chasing harridan; and Marie Dressler, hefty and hilarious, but who declared, "I born without a pretty face, and thank the Lord I do not have to live up to such a burden." Beautiful Mabel could take a hearty pratfall with the best of the Keystone Kops, but one could also fall in love with her as a custard pie was thrust into that angelic face. Like a gambler with a sure bet, Mack could see that his future with Mabel was in the cards.
As vivacious and charismatic as Mabel was, one can't think of her without thinking of Mack. As soon as he spotted her captivating beauty adorned with her comic gifts (and it didn't take long), he turned on the old Sennett charm and skillfully won her over - plucking her heartstrings in the process. By September 1912, most of her films were being directed by Sennett, still at the eastern Biograph studio. Between February and September, that same year, the two cranked out no less than 22 one- and two-reelers. Then, in late September, Mack took his comic protégée (and by now the love of his life) out West and formed his own studio in Hollywood - Keystone.
Our knockout-knockabout made dozens of bright and lively farces in the Sennett style at Keystone between 1912 and 1916 with early Keystone stalwarts like Fred Mace, Hank Mann, Ford Sterling, Al St. John, Harry Gribbon, Mack Swain, Roscoe Arbuckle, Charlie Chaplin, Minta Durfee (one of her closest friends) and Luke the dog. However, Mabel wanted more. Beginning in early 1914, Mabel took over completely as her own director, beginning with the one-reeler Mabel's Stormy Love Affair (Keystone/Mutual, 1914). Mabel could claim the rare and unique distinction of directing the great Charlie Chaplin early in his Keystone Kontract. Charlie liked Mabel. He even had a crush on her at one point (who didn't?), but being directed by a woman, or anyone for that matter, put his little mustache out of kilter. He could barely tolerate being directed by her in two films, Caught in a Cabaret (1914) and Mabel's Busy Day (1914).
As Mabel's fame and fortune grew, so did her intense relationship with Mack. Those two "Wild Irish Roses" alternately courted and clobbered each other in their dizzy affair. Mack was forever trying to tame his "I-don't-care" girl, as she came to be known. Mabel was trying to elevate Mack to a classier stature. However, the strapping Irishman was set in his ways. A good gag and a good cigar was the creed he lived by. They were together so long that marriage seemed inevitable - but it never happened. Mack ultimately betrayed Mabel by his dalliance with another beautiful actress just before the wedding was to take place. There was a change in Mabel after that. She began her attempt to walk out of Mack's life He would not let her go easily and dangled an enticing carrot that included her own studio and production company, plus a film that he knew she could not resist.
At that point, Mabel desperately wanted to get out of knockabout and into "classier productions." She fell in love with the concept of Mickey because it was the desired departure from her slapstick past. Mack showcased Mabel as he promised. In an ad for the film it states, "No rough comedy, no flying pies, no innocent heroine seduced, no buckets of blood and no padding." However, among other stunts, Mabel as "Mickey" does slide down banisters, has a squirrel run up her pants leg, pound her fist on a layer cake (no tossing, though!) and, oh yes, jockey a race horse. But none of the disclaimers made in the ad. Nevertheless, the tension between Mack and Mabel came to a head before filming was over. During the production she signed a contract with Samuel Goldwyn, sealing her departure from Mack and Keystone - no matter what. By 1917, Mabel had slipped through Mack's fingers, privately and professionally.
Life had escalated into one long, endless pain-killing party for Mabel. She suppressed her enormous disillusionment mostly through alcohol. Adela Rogers St. Johns, famous Hearst columnist and longtime, great friend of Mabel's said simply, "I adored Mabel. She was my best friend - but Irish women can't drink" - and Mabel couldn't. After she left Mack, an innocence left her. Her pictures finally became classier, full-length features, but her freshness and drive dwindled. Even by the time Mabel realized her downward spiral and tried to stop it, the scandals descended. She began to decline alarmingly, bit by miserable bit.
Mabel was a dear friend and successful comedy partner (between 1913 and 1916) of Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle. Arbuckle, tainted by allegations of assault and murder, and subsequent trials in 1921, negatively affected many in the Hollywood community, including Mabel. A woman of integrity where her friends were concerned, Mabel loved and cared enough about Roscoe to defend him publicly. Unfortunately, it did not help him, and it only hurt her. Director William Desmond Taylor was also a dear friend. Mabel had the unfortunate bad timing to be the last person to see him alive before his mysterious murder. Bad timing is fatal to any comedienne. The press kept after her, and her health continued to deteriorate. She went back to Mack Sennett to revive her sagging career and life. She returned to knockabout and attempted to reclaim her youthful energy. Mack even sweetened the deal by giving Mabel her own small studio lot to play on. They made Molly O' (Sennett/First National, 1921), Oh, Mabel Behave (Triangle Film Corporation - Photocraft Productions, 1922), Suzanna (Mack Sennett Productions/Allied Productions, 1923) and The Extra Girl (Mack Sennett Productions/Associated Exhibitors 1923). In 1926, she married her longtime friend, Lew Cody. At that point, it was safer and healthier for her to live a quieter, more domestic life. This positive change boosted her spirits, but perhaps that was all what was left of her brilliant spark. That same year she made her last film, the two-reeler One Hour Married (Roach/Pathe) that was released in 1927.
Mabel's heart was too open and generous to withstand the attacks against her past behavior. The "I-don't-care" girl took it on the chin. All the hard living and hard grieving prematurely aged Mabel and made her susceptible to the tuberculosis - which claimed her life in 1930 at the age of 37. The world might never have known her voice, but it would never forget her face. Mabel was so beloved by the Hollywood community that her funeral was packed to the rafters, as King Vidor related in his memoirs, A Tree Is A Tree (Samuel French, 1953): a stellar company that turned out for her,
There was Marie Dressler, of the large, expressive visage. She was never one for subtlety in comedy, nor was she subtle in grief. Ben Turpin was weeping unashamedly. The big face of gigantic Mack Swain, of The Gold Rush fame, was marked with tears. Charlie Chaplin, Mack Sennett, Chester Conklin, Hank Mann, Buster Keaton, Harry Langdon - all fellow workers of hers - were crying. I was fascinated by their faces. These funny faces had made people roar with laughter the world over. Now they were distorted with grief.
Mabel Normand, in her knockabout prime, was unsurpassable in the "beautiful, slapstick comedienne" niche. Many of her films have been lost, including all of her Goldwyn productions save one, What Happened to Rosa? (Goldwyn, 1921). However, luckily for us, a fair sample still survive, including many of her Keystone shorts. Her funniest comedies not only show us frisky and physically demanding performances, but also the subtler fact that she was lovingly photographed. One normally does not associate Sennett's slapstick with stunning cinematography, but I've seen some of Mabel's films and was struck by the glow of the silver nitrate image of Mabel, in a sunset, beckoning us to come and play.
For a more in-depth look at Mabel Normand, Mabel: Hollywood's First I-Don't-Care Girl, by Betty Harper Fussell (First Limelight Edition, 1992) is highly recommended and the best bio on her to date.

This advertisement originally appeared in July of 1916. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in September of 1916. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in September of 1916. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in October of 1916. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in August of 1918. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in June of 1919. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in July of 1919. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


This advertisement originally appeared in October of 1919. (Mabel ad courtesy of Bruce Long.)


1918 publicity photo, Courtesy MPTV.net


This is actress Mabel Normand with Lee Dougherty, Jr. on the set of a Biograph film.

She was born on Nov. 16, 1894 and was slightly over 16 when she went to work for the Biograph Studio on East 14th Street in New York City.
Mabel was known as
Muriel Fortescue in the early days of her acting career. She left Biograph for a short time to work for Vitagraph, but returned in the winter of 1911. Her star continued to rise at Biograph where she became an important star for the studio, working mostly under the direction of Mack Sennett.

Mabel left Biograph with Sennett when he formed Keystone in 1912. He was deeply in love with Mabel and described her "as beautiful as a spring morning." Wedding plans were made several times, but a marriage between the two was never to be.
Starring in several Chaplin films for Sennett, Mabel proved to be the most talented comedienne of the silent era. As her popularity rose, she began to press for more complex roles.
Sennett and his backers, Bauman and Kessel, formed the Mabel Normand Feature Film Company and produced Mickey. The film was not released until 1918 and in the meantime, the disappointed Mabel had signed a five-year contract with Goldwyn.
Without Sennett's guidance, Mabel became part of the social whirl of Hollywood. All-night parties and rumors of drug use began circulating as Mabel began showing up late for work - or disappearing for days at a time.

Mabel's career was dealt a crushing blow in 1922 with the mysterious death of director William Desmond Taylor. She was linked romantically with Taylor and was dragged into the case because she was the last person to see him alive. She was proved innocent, but the ghastly press coverage permanently ruined her image as a star.
Just as she was recovering from the Taylor scandal, her chauffeur was found, gun in hand, standing over the body of millionaire, Cortland Dines. Reportedly, the gun belonged to Mabel. Her popularity rapidly began a downward spiral. Her last feature was The Extra Girl in 1923.

She married Lew Cody, the villain in Mickey. Her happiness was doomed from the beginning as both she and Cody were suffering from terminal illnesses. Cody had a fatal heart condition and Mabel succumbed to tuberculosis and pneumonia. She died in 1930.
In 1974, she was portrayed in the Broadway musical, "Mack and Mabel" by Bernadette Peters.

Destin tragique que celui de Mabel Normand.

Née en 1892 à Staten Island (New York), Mabel Normand était d'une grande beauté ; elle savait également jouer la comédie, possédait un sens de l'humour merveilleux et, plutôt acrobatique, elle avait cette facilité de pouvoir recevoir autant de coups qu'elle pouvait en donner au cours de tournages souvent improvisés.
D'abord chez Vitagraph (de 1910 à 1912), elle fut dirigée quelque temps par D. W. Griffith puis suivit Mack Sennett à Hollywood.
De 1912 à 1916, elle tourna plus de 125 films pour la compagnie de Sennett, souvent ayant dans leur titre son propre nom :
Mabel’s Bear Escape, Mabel Lost and Won, etc.
En 1915, elle était devenue la comédienne la plus connue dans l'industrie du cinéma mais comparativement à Mary Pickford ou Charles Chaplin, son salaire était une maigre pitance.
Quittant Sennett, elle passa chez Samuel Goldwyn, revint chez Sennett pour finalement obtenir le contrat qu'elle désirait auprès de Hal Roach.
De toutes les fêtes, menant une vie mouvementée, elle fut malheureusement mêlée aux deux grands scandales hollywoodiens des années vingt (
Fatty Arbuckle, son compagnon dans de nombreux film, accusé de meurtre, et l'assassinat de William Desmond Taylor). Le tollé de protestations des ligues moralisantes qui suivit ces deux affaires détruisit sa popularité comme celles de plusieurs autres comédiens.
Elle tourna son dernier film en 1927 et mourut, alcoolique et de tuberculose, en 1932.


More on : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mabel_Normand


Michael Fortescue (Music)

Fortescue_michael_music_2. Fortescue_michael_music_1

OzLit News – November 1996

November 23, 1996 – Carmel Bird informs us that on "November 27 at 7pm at Brunswick St Bookshop, Melbourne I will read from my new book AUTOMATIC TELLER and I will be accompanied as I read by Michael Fortesque on the double bass." Admission is free.

Arts Calendar 2000

Author Carmel Bird and musician Michael Fortescue team up to bring to life Carmel’s new children’s book The Cassowary’s Quiz - A magical journey in the Australian bush where two small dolls meet all kinds of bird life and find enchantment in the music of the King Superb Parrots.
Saturday 15th July   3pm
FREE ENTRY University of Tasmania, North-West Centre
Jazz and Text
Renowned author Carmel Bird and Tasmanian musician Michael Fortescue (double bass) team up to surprise and delight the audience with a contemporary performance of literature and music.
Saturday 15th July   7pm
Cost $5  (no concession) University of Tasmania, North-West Centre

Tasmania 2nd June, 1999

Direct broadcast from
the Tasmanian Conservatorium of Music,
Hobart, presented by John Crawford.
We had nearly 100 members in the audience,
squeezed into to Recital Hall.
Capture d’écran 2017-09-09 à 21.56.53 copie

Greg Kingston, guitar and Michael Fortescue, double bass. As a duo, and in other combinations, these musicians are amongst the best known improvisors in Tasmania. Using low technology, a range of acoustic instruments, occasional processing and double bass, there is often humour in their work.
The ranking for this evening was: 1. Greg Kingston and Michael Fortescue 2. Sue Moss and andrea breen


Miss May Fortescue - 1876-1958

Capture d’écran 2017-09-09 à 21.02.39 copie

Fortescue_may_1876-1958 Fortescue_may_8

Fortescue_may_3. Fortescue_may_9

Fortescue_may_9. Fortescue_may_6. Fortescue_may_4


(1881-83) [Born London 9 Feb 1859, died London 2 Sep 1950]

Miss Fortescue

, whose real name was Emily May Finney, made her stage debut with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in London at the Opera Comique as the Lady Ella in the first production of Patience in April 1881. She moved with the Company to the Savoy in 1882, and created the small part of Celia when Iolanthe received its premiere in November, playing the role until August 1883 when she left upon her engagement to marry one Lord Garmoyle. She would never again appear in comic opera.
In January 1884 Lord Garmoyle broke off the engagement, and
Miss Fortescue (with W. S. Gilbert's solicitors and counsel) sued for breach of promise, eventually receiving £10,000 in damages. While the suit was in the courts she earned a great deal of publicity and also returned to the stage in her first major role, as Dorothy in Gilbert's Dan'l Druce, Blacksmith, at the Court Theatre in March 1884.
She took the money from her breach of promise settlement and founded her own theatre company, which toured for many years and frequently performed the works of W. S. Gilbert. One of her many successful tours, to America in 1886-87, featured the New York premiere of Gilbert's Gretchen with
Miss Fortescue in the title role. Over the years she appeared in several more Gilbert works:as Galatea in Pygmalion & Galatea, Selene in The Wicked World, Clarice in Comedy & Tragedy, and Diana in The Fortune Hunter.
May Fortescue


Miss Fortescue

maintained her friendship with Gilbert for the rest of his life. On the afternoon of May 29, 1911, Gilbert visited her at her home where she was recuperating from a horseback-riding accident. The injury had affected her optic nerve and she was resting in near total darkness. Her mother, who was caring for her, said to Gilbert "I won't ask what you think of her appearance, for you can scarcely see her," to which Sir William replied, "Her appearance matters nothing. It is her disappearance we could not stand." Within a few hours, W. S. Gilbert would himself disappear, dead of heart failure at the bottom of the pond on his Grim's Dyke estate.
Miss Fortescue would continue to perform in non-musical works in London and the provinces for the better part of 40 years. Her last role in London was Mrs. Deveraux in A Man Unknown at the Court Theatre in June 1926.

Capture d’écran 2010-10-06 à 03.41.07

26th Antique and Collector Firearms,
Art, Western and Indian Relics

05/07/1999 Fri




1890's Actress

Miss Fortescue Tobacco Card

Issued by Kinney Bros, Sweet Caporal cigarettes in the 1890's, these sepia tone photos were of famoust actresses of the time.
all cards are in good condition, crease free, may have slightly rounded corners.

(Ebay auction)


Matthew Captain Fortescue - 1754-1842



Mathew Major Fortescue - 1861-1914



Mary Fortescue+Jack+Edna+Alex+Nell - 1911-2004



Mary of Fallapit Fortescue - 1689-1710



Mary Jane of canada Fortescue - 1878-1918



Mary Jane (jenny) Fortescue - 1870-1949



Mary Elsie Fortescue - 1888-1976



Margaret Alice Fortescue - 1883-



Major Fortescue



Mabel Winifred Fortescue - 1897-1973



Mrs Fortescue (Doris Lessing)

Doris Lessing

Capture d’écran 2011-10-09 à 19.54.45Capture d’écran 2011-10-09 à 19.55.03

Capture d’écran 2011-10-09 à 19.55.59


Michael D. Fortescue

Language Relations Across Bering Strait:
Reappraising the Archaeological & Linguistic Evidence

Fortescue, Michael D.


Miss Fortescue

E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897.
Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898.
Min’cio or Min’tio.

Miss Fortescue.

The birthplace of Virgil. The Clitumnus, a river of Umbria, was the residence of Propertius; the Anio is where Horace had a villa; the river Mels, in Ionia, is the supposed birthplace of Homer. Littleton refers to all these in his Monody on


Marion T. Fortescue

Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music

Item 2 of 3
My darling have you money / by Marion T. Fortescue.
Fortescue, Marion T..
CREATED/PUBLISHED Chicago: Chicago Music Co., 1881.

SUBJECTS Songs with piano
RELATED TITLES Music for a nation: American sheet music, 1870-1885.
MEDIUM 1 score
PART OF American 19th-century sheet music. Copyright deposits, 1870-1885
REPOSITORY Library of Congress. Music Division.
DIGITAL ID sm1881 13560 urn:hdl:loc.music/sm1881.13560 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.music/sm1881.13560








Marshall Fortescue (Music)

Every Voice But Mine
Every Voice But Mine was recorded by members of Humans, an Internet electronic mailing list that is dedicated to the discussion of Bruce Cockburn, his music - and his touring schedule! Humans was started in July, 1991 by Dan Farmer who continues to maintain it to this day. There are more than 200 members. If you have Internet access, you can subscribe to Humans by sending a request to "humans-request@bi.fish.com"

The musicians hail from various cities in Australia, Canada and the United States. The music was recorded because of a deep appreciation of the music of Bruce Cockburn that is shared by everyone who participated. The production and distribution of this tape was done on a not-for-profit basis.

The Contributors

  • Marshall Fortescue; MSMAIL.FORTESCH@TSOD.lmig.com
  • Steve Graham; sgraham@umich.edu
  • Will Kaufman; freewill@u.washington.edu
  • The Kind; 617-965-8548
  • Peter Klausler; pmk%moliere@uunet.uu.net
  • Rod Potter; rodp@yorku.ca
  • Grant Shillabeer; c/o Arthur@cswamp.apana.org.au
  • Chris Sullivan; ab791@freenet.carleton.ca
  • Steve Watson; watson@sce.carleton.ca
  • Charles Wolf; charles@phx.mcd.mot.com
Steve Graham -- Mixing, Re-recording, Mastering and everything else! Rod Potter -- Cover/Notes & a little Administrivia
Side One
  • Intro/Foxglove -- Rod Potter
  • If I Had A Rocket Launcher -- The Kind Brett Ginter, Bill Salkewicz, Jim Harris, Bob Hovanec, Derek Davies) Recorded live at State Street Bank, August 1992
  • God Bless The Children -- Eyes Turn Skyward (Will Kaufman)
  • One Day I Walk -- Steve Watson
  • Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand -- Marshall Fortescue: guitar, Noel Carlson: lead vocal
  • Salt Sun & Time -- Grant Shillabeer
  • Waiting For A Miracle -- Steve Graham
Side Two
  • Mamma Just Wants To Barrelhouse All Night Long -- Rod Potter; Mitch Potter (lead guitar)
  • Cry Of A Tiny Babe -- Charles Wolff
  • Fall -- Peter Klausler on Chapman Stick
  • When The Sun Goes Nova -- Steve Watson: vocals & guitar; Seanna Watson: vocals, synth (banjo) and recording engineer.
  • Inner City Front -- Charles Wolff
  • Creation Dream -- Chris Sullivan: guitar, Stannard chimes, backing vocal; Kathleen Johnson: lead vocal, backing vocal; Greg Geeves: Synthesizer, engineering, mix; Guitar tuning: DADGAD
  • It Won't Be Long -- Steve Graham

A special note of thanks to Steve Graham who was the driving force behind this project. Steve kept the project alive by badgering the rest of us to send in our songs ;) and toiled countless hours to weave our tapes into "Every Voice But Mine." Thanks Steve!
The cover artwork was scanned from a photo taken by George Whiteside which appears on page 97 of the "Bruce Cockburn: All the Diamonds" songbook, a collection of Cockburn songs recorded between 1969 to 1979. Published by the Ottawa Folklore Center, "All the Diamonds" provides considerable insight into Cockburn's songwriting and guitar techniques. The transcriptions include both music and tablature. You can reach the OFC at the following address:
OFC Publications (A Division of the Ottawa Folklore Center Ltd.) P.O. Box 4061, Station E, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B1

Friends of the Earth
Taken from the liner notes of "Dart to the Heart" - because it's important...
"The ozone layer is being depleted. UV-B radiation is on the increase. The threat to our food supply, to animals, to our health, becomes more ominous by the minute. If this scares you as much as it does me, you might consider contacting Friends of the Earth. We are an international organization working hard on ozone protection, as well as other environmental issues. (I'm honourary chairperson of F0E Canada)" --Bruce Cockburn
Friends of the Earth Canada 251 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J6 Phone (613) 230-3352 or (800) 267-9607
Friends of the Earth (USA) 1025 Vermont Avenue N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone (202) 785-7400

Various Artists: Every Voice By Mine:
An Internet Tribute to the Music of Bruce Cockburn

Released: 1994?
Intro/Foxglove - Rod Potter
If I Had a Rocket Launcher - The Kind
(Brett Ginter (sp?), Bill Salkewicz, Jim Harris, Bob Hovanec,
Derek Davies) Recorded live at State Street Bank, August 1992
God Bless the Children - Eyes Turn Skyward (Will Kaufman)
One Day I Walk - Steve Watson
Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand -
Fortescue, guitar
; Noel Carlson, vocal
Salt, Sun and Time - Grant Shillabeer
Waiting for a Miracle - Steve Graham
Mama Just Wants to Barrelhouse All Night Long - Rod Potter
Cry of a Tiny Babe - Charles Wolff
Fall - Peter Klausler on Chapman Stick
When the Sun Goes Nova - Steve Watson: vocals & guitar;
Seanna Watson: vocals, synth (banjo) and recording engineer.
Inner City Front - Charles Wolff
Creation Dream - Chris Sullivan: guitar, Stannard chimes, backing
vocal; Kathleen Johnson: lead vocal, backing vocal; Greg
Geeves: Synthesizer
It Won't Be Long - Steve Graham
Every Voice But Mine was the brainchild of Rod Potter, and was assembled by Steve Graham. It is a "just for fun" production; everyone was encouraged to submit material. In spite of this, there are at least a few outstanding tracks (you decide which ones). For more information regarding this special tape, contact Steve Graham at:
Steve Graham 2277 S. Grove 823 W Ypsilanti MI 48198-9291

Various Artists: Festival of Friends:
An Internet Tribute to the Music of Bruce Cockburn (Part 2)

Released: 1997
Total Time: 68:00
Tie Me At the Crossroads -- Steve Graham
Great Big Love -- Charles Wolff
Bright Sky -- Chris Sullivan
Lily of the Midnight Sky -- Will Kaufman
Lord of the Starfields -- Charlie McDermott
Skylarking -- Murray Harrison
Waiting for a Miracle -- Inner Groove (Blair F.)
Burden of the Angel/Beast --
Marshall Fortescue/Noel Carlson
Night Visions (Flood of Tears) -- Dan Bullenkamp (Morok)
(Not a Bruce song, but Dan asked if we could include it anyway
and no one objected -- the Bruce influence shows.)
Broken Wheel -- Charles Wolff
Water Into Wine -- Murray Harrison
You Don't Have to Play the Horses -- Charlie McDermott
All the Diamonds -- Paul Leach
Understanding Nothing -- Will Kaufman
Dweller by a Dark Stream -- Blair Frodelius
Mama Just Wants to Barrelhouse All Night Long -- Pat Mrizek
Festival of Friends -- Charlie McDermott/The Wujekstock Minstrels
Note from Steve Graham:
Like it's predecessor, Every Voice But Mine, this was a 'Just for Fun,' anyone can play production. Some tracks are obviously better than others, but there's some good stuff.
Write to me the old fashioned way:
Steve Graham 2277 S. Grove 823 W Ypsilanti MI 48198-9291

Mike Fortescue (Music)

DIE KRAFT DER SCHAMANAN / CD Wellness & Meditation NEU
Produktion: Mike Fortescue

900354989002. 2c_1_b

Die Kraft der Schamanen
Wellness & Meditation
Essentielle Musik zum Wohlfühlen

1. Healer
2. On Spirit Wings
3. Man of Wisdom
4. Evening song
5. Sacred Rites
6. Rhythm Gold
7. The Calling
8. Celebrate the Sun

Label: TYROstar
Produkt-Nr.: CD 789002
EAN CD: 9003549890027
Genre: Essentielle Musik zum Wohlfühlen
Gesamtzeit: 59.02 Min.
Mike Fortescue
Mastering: State Of The Art Studio
Studio: George Raphael