Michael Fortescue (Music)
OzLit News – November 1996
November 23, 1996 – Carmel Bird informs us that on "November 27 at 7pm at Brunswick St Bookshop, Melbourne I will read from my new book AUTOMATIC TELLER and I will be accompanied as I read by Michael Fortesque on the double bass." Admission is free.
Arts Calendar 2000
Author Carmel Bird and musician Michael Fortescue team up to bring to life Carmel’s new children’s book The Cassowary’s Quiz - A magical journey in the Australian bush where two small dolls meet all kinds of bird life and find enchantment in the music of the King Superb Parrots.
Saturday 15th July 3pm
University of Tasmania, North-West Centre
Jazz and Text
Renowned author Carmel Bird and Tasmanian musician Michael Fortescue (double bass) team up to surprise and delight the audience with a contemporary performance of literature and music.
Saturday 15th July 7pm
Cost $5 (no concession)
University of Tasmania, North-West Centre
Tasmania 2nd June, 1999
Direct broadcast from
the Tasmanian Conservatorium of Music,
Hobart, presented by John Crawford.
We had nearly 100 members in the audience,
squeezed into to Recital Hall.
Greg Kingston, guitar and Michael Fortescue, double bass. As a duo, and in other combinations, these musicians are amongst the best known improvisors in Tasmania. Using low technology, a range of acoustic instruments, occasional processing and double bass, there is often humour in their work.
The ranking for this evening was:
1. Greg Kingston and Michael Fortescue
2. Sue Moss and andrea breen