Fortescue Magnetite (Sciences)


Fortescue magnetite deposits




Fortescue (Cape Preston) - Integrated Steel Plant
The main focus of development of the
Fortescue magnetite deposits is through the Austeel consortium, which is promoting an integrated 4Mt/a EAF steelmaking project utilising magnetic concentration, pelletising and DRI processes. The Austeel plan is to produce slab, hot-rolled and cold-rolled coil and galvanised steel. Development involves processing plants to be located near the minesite and linked to port facilities at Cape Preston. Detailed evaluation and environmental assessment commenced in late 1999/early 2000. Other projects based on the Fortescue deposits (being promoted by parent company Mineralogy) involve an export DRI/slab project and an export pellet project.
Expenditure: $5b. Employment: Construction: 6000; Operation: 1650



Iron Ore Processing
