August 2011

Harriet Fortescue

Quotations and photograph:
A Memoir of Mrs Urquhart / Mrs Bishop.
— London : Kegan Paul, 1897

Harriet Fortescue, wife of David Urquhart

David Urquhart would have been quite unable to organise the smooth running of the Foreign Affairs Committees without the support of Harriet, his gifted wife. Apart from her many secretarial tasks, she could always be relied upon to calm and sympathetically smoothe the many relationships which were ruffled by her pedantic, sometimes stubborn, and often unforgiving, husband. But she was a clear-thinking political writer who published articles under the pseudonym 'Caritas'. According to her biographer, Mrs Bishop:
Half her articles in his paper, the Free press, and her many other writings were by him, and half of his by her.

While, according to her eldest son, David Urquhart (Jnr), the argumentative work, the collating of extracts from despatches, treaties, &c, was done by her first, and then my father dictated the introduction and conclusion.

Capture d’écran 2017-09-09 à 14.24.22

Capture d’écran 2017-09-09 à 14.25.22


Hugh Fortescue 3rd Earl of Fortescue - 1818-1905

Fortescue_hugh_3rd_Earl_1818-1905 Fortescue_hugh_3rd_Earl_1818-1905_2

Vanity Fair Print 1881 Earl Fortescue
Capture d’écran 2011-08-22 à 22.21.17
19th Century Vanity Fair Print.  Dated September 17, 1881. 
Statesmen No. 372. 
 The Earl Fortescue
Subtitled "Sanitas"  Seated, with papers lying on the couch, a little different than the typical portraits. 

By T. 'Sanitas'. Seated. Wearing glasses.
Coloured. Overall size c. 8x14 ins.
Top Hat. Walking cane. (Politicians. Statesmen).


Hanafor Miss Fortescue (Dog) (Curiosité) Hanafor Miss Fortescue (Dog)

1992 Shows
Perdiz Vizslas


Minor Puppy Bitch 3 entries

1st Bronzephyr Golden Liberty (Sloane)
Hanafor Miss Fortescue (Forster & DeZylva)
3rd Klerhunt Burg (Schnitzer)

Special Classes
Best Gaited
Hanafor Miss Fortescue

Junior Bitch 3 entries

1st Ch. Hanafor Lady Haversham (Lewis)
2nd Hanafor Wychton Willow (Croatto)
Hanafor Miss Fortescue (DeZylva & Forster)
